Monday 25 November 2019


Even in just the latest commits, commit e5fb I recall earlier versions of this Snes emulator didn't have sounds at all. Nebuleon on November 07, , Rules can be found here: Now that MHz is supported, most games run fullspeed on 1. snes 1.43

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Emulator Resources / Snes 9x

Post a new topic. On Ganon's Tower, there's a room where there's a conveyor belt and a switch, you can't hit snew switch because there's a room in between and you have to throw a bomb on the conveyor belt and let it get carried to the switch and explode.

I very much like UI and mhz option seems to be quite helpfull. Welp, made an interesting discovery. Now that MHz is supported, most games run fullspeed on 1.

Snes9x EX+

Being that many SNES games use both L and R frequently, I could see it being a problem if ever we need to push both and, whoops, the menu comes up. Hello I've just finished playing Zelda A Link to the Past and I noticed some kind of issue which seems to be present on the emulator, but not in the actual game.

FreddyBoubil on March 20, Sometimes I wish this emu had a fast forward function, but does the Zero have the guts to handle it? Which game is the game?

snes 1.43

November 07, Board index All times are UTC. I have only tested this with Nobunaga's ambition Lord of darkness and it worked fine except for one issue, sound.

Solving this problem would be most appreciated, neverthenless it's still nice to have this kind of emulator on vita. See this post where other people report this as well on Snes9x and sns strange as it seems, it also seems to be present on the Wii virtual console version according to the last comment: They doesn't show up.

snes 1.43

Additionally, I find that Snes9x-Next could break games. The effect of that, though, is sness the performance of non-speed-hacked games is still less than acceptable, and to a regular user the choice of games that run slow will seem arbitrary at best, and this will create a bad reputation for the emulator and for the GCW Zero as a whole.

Super Nintendo Emulator - Snes9x for 3DS v - Added

Where can I get a working one or an alternative? I was able to do so without any problems!

November 09, It worked out really well! Deadline is September 30th. December 19, I'm having a problem getting Soul Blazer to run, it just hangs at a black screen. The performance is lower, but 1. Even in just the latest commits, commit e5fb I recall earlier versions of this Snes emulator didn't have sounds at all.

Snes9x EX - Ex Plus Alpha

It looked saved but then i came back, there was no saves at all. Hi all, I can't manage to run the recent released rom of Targa http: For old generation consoles ex: Yep that's exactly what i did. I love the save SRAM feature of this emulator!!!

snes 1.43

That's imprecise emulation timings, which may be better in Snes9x 1. I saved it in the game.

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