Monday 25 November 2019


If the FormItem has multiple: Fixed selected cell styling, in conjunction with both workday and alternateRecord styling Fixed scroll-position retention across calls to setShowDayLanes. Improve behavior when TileGrid. As soon as all rows become cached, enable it. Added x- and y-axis-specific value formatters to FacetChart. Fixed the issue that the title of a Button was not vertically centered when the button had an icon. Fixed an issue where the presence of a sortField in a databound select item could cause callbacks passed to "fetchData " to fire multiple times. smartgwt-2.4.jar

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Fixed an issue where two or more tabs in a tabset pulling in frameset pages would cause the tabs to obscure each other due to a native issue in IE Added new attribute Calendar.

Added x- and y-axis-specific value formatters smarttwt-2.4.jar FacetChart.


Update documentation for ListGrid. DetailViewer Added DetailViewer support for "link" type fields with target: Changed removeSelectedData method to only submit primary key fields rather than whole records. Fixed a bug in Canvas.


Handle selecting a tabset tab whose pane has been destroyed. Various enhancements and features around ListGrid ExpansionModes, particularly wrt finer grained support for customizing the ExpansionMode. Added setFailure String message helper and added more docs around what errors mean Added new property dsRequest. RestDataSource support for "invalidateCache" flag for RestDataSource added ResultTree Added support for explicitly determining whether open state should be preserved when fresh data arrives within a databound tree via ResultTree.

Fixed handling of RestDataSource. Fix issue where widgets may not respond to clicks in Firefox when Standards Mode is active. Added a warn message telling the reason why we are setting the condition to FALSE when trying to match a Date or Boolean using a CONTAINS criterion Fix a couple of minor bugs in the email subsystem Fixed an issue where some datetime smartgwh-2.4.jar could be serialized incorrectly when being passed from the server to the client, if they happen to fall on the boundary of a Daylight Savings Time change smartgwwt-2.4.jar local server time.

Smart GWT Release Notes

Calendar Improved mouse-based event creation for timelines by having the start and end dates rounded to the eventSnapGap Fixed JS errors in getDateFromPoint monthView only and dateIsWorkday and corrected bad style used for event-windows when showEventDescriptions is false Fixed the date being passed to calendar.

Fixed resize knobs on a DrawImage. Added support for customizing the base style for group nodes via new attribute groupNodeBaseStyle Added attribute ListGrid.

Fixed a TypeError error in ListGrid. Fix for a bug where if you show a ComboBoxItem with a filter-editor on its picklist, certain interactions with that pickList filter editor would inappropriately dismiss the entire pickList. Fixed an issue where the body of DateChoosers in the Simplicity skin would size wrongly in Chrome and show unwanted scrollbars.

The tabPicker control is still shown by default. Added support for SplitPane.

Previously the user could put focus at the beginning of the value in a TextItem which had already msartgwt-2.4.jar the maximum allowable length, and smattgwt-2.4.jar a character, and the new value would accept the typed character and drop characters from the end of the string to maintain the correct length limit. Added documentation for several new TestRunner command-line options and logging-related Selenium commands.

Server configuration Added new Velocity variables: SmartGwtDebug will need to inherit com. Improved the placement and sizing of SelectItem and ComboBoxItem dropdowns so that the form item is not covered by it.


Fixed issue with binary metadata fields when the underlying binary field is mapped via nativeName. Previously, once a menu size was calculated, it was cached and reused regardless of page size. Fixed a problem where autoFit of all column widths could miscalculate sizes when grouped.

Fixed a problem where calling "autoFit" on a field in a grouped grid could cause the field to render wider than required to fit content. Fixed a case where with canHide: Fixed bugs that caused getActiveTime to return the wrong value and Calendar-level drag events to be incorrectly fired by eventWindow movements.


Fixed the issue that if showTitle: If showClippedTitleOnHover is true the defaultthen a hover is shown when the user holds the mouse pointer over the component and the title is clipped. Added support for labelling the x-axis of a "Scatter" FacetChart by setting the title property of the metric facet value of the x-axis. Don't fire selectionUpdated with selectionType:

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