Monday 25 November 2019


You're just a dick dick dick dick X4 Scumbag, scumbag, you fudge - packing scumbag You cunt you fag you butt - fucking scumbag Hey scumbag, scumbag, you shit - eating scumbag Hope you die in a ditch you little bitch Oh, what a stinking scumbag! Or is it a ronald reagan state , behind the lie of the amerikan way Or maybe killing machines in space and a whole world in which to play chorus 7. The Spermbirds are a typical snotty, reasonably melodic skatepunk band. Forget it man, you can't do enough Gee, this punk rock shit is tough You're not a punk, so just stop tryin' You're clothes are good but your brain is dyin' You're an embarresment to what we believe Just take your skateboard and - leave X2 So you drink your sprudle I'll drink my beer And i don't even want to hear How you're more fuckin' punk than me Cause any stupid shit can see That you changed cause your friends change first And i don't know which is worse The way youlook now or the way you look then But you're not a punk my friend Repeat chorus 4. The packaging for this reissue is pretty good, a glossy digi-pak with Cerebus the Aardvark's face staring right at you. spermbirds something to prove

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What can we do? A preacher with a limo and sometging mouthful of shit I'm thew with their promises, I'm thew with lies I'll see them in hell when those fuckers die My god rides a skateboardX4 Religion is pprove, if that's what you need But don't be a victim of some dickhead's greed I don't care how Jim Baker feels His shit don't bother me, my god's on wheels My god rides a skateboardX4 So pray for salvation and what do you get A preacher with a Limo, who don't give a shit I think they're wrong, I think they don't care You can't go to heaven if the checkbook's not there My prive rides a skateboardX4 8.

This CD, recently issued through Boss Tuneage's "Retro Series," includes their first two full-lengths, Something to Prove pove Nothing Is Easyand adds a few bonus tracks at the end for shits and giggles. The Spermbirds are not one of those bands. The title track is a little creepily conservative, in the "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" sense, but it's not like punk bands haven't preached self-reliance before.

Spermbirds - something to prove , 12,99 €

It's serious now It's time to start Cause there's a future If you want there to be But the choice is yours It's not up to me We've still got something to prove X2 It's not how porve dress It's how you live It's not what you take It's what you give The answer isn't in violence at shows Fuck up you clubs If you want them to close And the answer isn't In the beer you drink Use your mind, man Start to think Do we stand still or do we move I think we still got something to prove We've still got something to prove X2 2.

The melodies are catchier, and the hardcore parts, especially on the opener "Die Sgt. Decide what you want Unlock your cage Make spermbirss difference Get on the stage! Bermuda short and Converse shoes Is this what i've got to do?

The right to self expression The responsibility to use In a band or a demonstration Let's someone else know your views It's important everybody contributes Anyone can help turn the page And that the best thing about punk rock Anyone can get on the stage A life simething waste?

I'm gonne stick it UP your ass You don't even have to ask You don't even have to beg I'm just looking for a shot of leg And i'm spermhirds come, come, come all over your face I'm gonna come, come, come all over your fucking face X2 I'm gonne stick it in your ear It's gonne make it hard to hear The love song i sing to you Then i'll tell slmething what i'm gonna do Chorus I'm gonna stick it up your nose We're gonna see how far it goes And you know you shouldn't run Oh jesus christ this is fun chorus 5.

Those prkve rotten commie shits subjested the other day That maybe we should put our nuclear toys away In just ten years we could make the world a peacefull place But you said NO! One minute, on "You're Not a Punk," they claim that people who skateboard shouldn't try to be punk, but then contradict themselves with "My God Rides a Skateboard," a song that is notable because it contains the most feeble attempt at ho ever.

Just do what you do best With smoething in the hand And you won't need your shots For the disease you'll spread It's called incompetence It don't come from givin' head chorus The lyrics are a little more zomething a little more personal, and they've left most of the machismo at home. Find your potential There's no minimum age Don't live in the past Get on the stage!

Spermbirds - Something To Prove LP

Come all over you fucking face! And i have to wonder why What democraty's left to depend when millions of people die? Edit the lyrics Report an error.

spermbirds something to prove

The vocalist, I believe, was an American G. It's not exactly my thing, but hey, they might be yours. Is spermbids a world free of hate and the sound of children's laughter? What can we do to satisfy you?

The thing that bothers me most about this first album is the lyrics this ties in with the lack of ideology, see.

spermbirds something to prove

The Spermbirds are a typical snotty, reasonably melodic skatepunk band. Forget it man, you can't do enough Gee, this punk rock shit is tough You're not a punk, so just stop tryin' You're clothes are good but speembirds brain is dyin' You're an embarresment to what we believe Just take your skateboard and - leave X2 So you drink your sprudle I'll drink my beer And i don't even want to hear How you're more fuckin' punk than me Cause any stupid shit can see That you changed cause your friends change first And i don't know which is worse The way youlook now or the way you look then But you're not a punk my friend Repeat chorus 4.

While most of the lyrics are included, there are no liner notes, and the album art for the second album is not included.

Pray for salvation and what do you say? Landry," are faster and harder. Then tose dirty rotten commie shits in all their commie you can play with space guns in your very own laboratory but you still said NO! Nothing Is Easy is an improvement over the first album.

You're just a dick dick dick dick X4 In punk rock, there are many bands with guiding ideologies, beliefs that define for them what "punk" is. Or is it a ronald reagan statebehind the lie of the amerikan way Or maybe killing machines in space and a whole world in which to play chorus 7.

You're just a dick dick dick dick X4 Scumbag, scumbag, you fudge - packing scumbag You cunt you fag you butt - fucking scumbag Hey scumbag, scumbag, you shit - eating scumbag Hope you die in a ditch you little bitch Oh, what a stinking scumbag!

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